Why Isn't SUPERMAN a PUBLIC DOMAIN Superhero?? || Comic Misconceptions || NerdSync
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Copyrights don't last forever, and when they expire they go into the public domain. So when does Superman—the original comic book superhero—enter the public domain where he'll be free for anyone to use? Well, would you believe that the Man of Steel already WAS in the public domain thanks to a legal technicality way back in the 1940s?!
Every Wednesday, Comic Misconceptions explores the incredible stories, fascinating ideas, and mind-blowing theories regarding comic books and the rich history and culture that surrounds them!
Hosted by Scott Niswander (@ScottNiswander)
Who Owns the "Captain Marvel" Name Rights?
â–¶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e9xwyOamZk&index=17&list=PLPEShH2LWsQB713OGYPQ1-v3SCuWf2uZ-
Will Superman's New Power Change the Status Quo?
â–¶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH1zmfN38YQ&index=13&list=PLPEShH2LWsQB713OGYPQ1-v3SCuWf2uZ-
The REAL Origin of Kryptonite!
â–¶ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9GblAgjJZE&index=10&list=PLPEShH2LWsQB713OGYPQ1-v3SCuWf2uZ-
Washington Post article about the Public Domain
Why Isn't Mickey Mouse in the Public Domain?
Superman Copyright FAQ
Interview with Bill Willingham
Is The Wizard of Oz in the public domain?
World Famous Comics - Law is a Ass : Bob Ingersoll, Oct 24, 2000
Superman: The Man of Tomorrow
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