Speedy's Top 20 Wanted FEH Units 2020 - (Fire Emblem Heroes)
It's late, but here it is! At least I got it in before the New Heroes banner in March! If you've been missing Add This Unit, hopefully this fills the void for a little.
(Also sorry for the freezing during some areas, my PC didn't want to render it properly)
MUSIC LIST (Could be spoilers if you're a theme matching god):
Intro - Ape Escape - Time Station
#20 - Death Road to Canada - Zombonita Beach
#19 - Ace Attorney - Turnabout Sisters Theme (2001)
#18 - Ittle Dew 2 - Stunt Double
#17 - Root Double - Extra Sensory Perception
#16 - Street Fighter V - Lucia's Theme
#15 - Soul Calibur 2 - Confrontation
#14 - NieR - Song of the Ancients (Devola Instrumental)
#13 - Nekomata Master - Smile of Split
#12 - King of Fighters XIV - Survivors Under the Sky
#11 - Chrono Cross - Dream of the Shore Near Another World
#10 - Octopath Traveler - Frostlands
#09 - Golden Sun - Jenna's Theme
#08 - Killer 7 - Where Angels Play
#07 - Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Airship Stage
#06 - Ultra Despair Girls - Welcome to TOWA Tower
#05 - AI The Somnium Files - Psyncin' in the CAPTaiN
#04 - Fighting Layer - Tetsuo Kato Theme
#03 - Massive Assault - Wasserland
#02 - Tekken 7 - Solitude
#01 - Terraria Calamity Mod Music - Guardian of the Former Seas
#FEH #FireEmblemHeroes #FEHeroes