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The globalized world promotes, as never before in human history, encounters but also confrontations between individuals, nations, and cultures. Some react by trying to strengthen and even secure identities; nationalisms, sovereignties and populisms are becoming radicalized. Others dream of a happy, globalized, diversified, and fraternal humanity. Assuming that identity is necessary, the talk will address three topics: the identity of radicalized teens and the role of ideals in the construction of identity; the caring for the disadvantaged, the disabled, and those in precarious situations and the need to leave behind the paradigm of ’lack’ and ‘deficiency’ to focus support on the respect of singularity; and the concept of freedom, seen not as a transgression, but as creativity.
Organized by the Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL), in collaboration with the Freie Universität Berlin and the ICI Berlin