How do vaccines help babies fight infections? | How Vaccines Work
How do vaccines work with your child’s immune system to fight infections? Learn more here:
Join baby Jack and his #parents as they find out how #vaccines help train your baby’s immune system to help prevent disease in this #HowVaccinesWork video.
Vaccines contain a small number of weakened or dead antigens, the parts of germs that cause a baby’s immune system to go to work. After babies receive a vaccine, their immune system will remember that antigen and attack it if it ever enters the body again. Vaccines only contain a tiny fraction of the antigens that babies encounter in their everyday surroundings.
It may take a few weeks for a vaccine to start working. Babies may also need more doses later to protect them. That’s why the recommended immunization schedule exists: it’s designed to give babies the best protection against 14 serious diseases by two years old.
Learn more about #childhood immunizations by visiting or talk with your child’s doctor.
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