I spent a day with people who have proof we live in a Matrix simulation.
â–¸ I spent a day with FLAT EARTHERS: https://youtu.be/3S6HQGHqQa0
â–¸ I spent a day with TIME TRAVELERS: https://youtu.be/zucRB-rAFjk
â–¸ I spent a day with INSTAGRAM MODELS: https://youtu.be/-Z84YqXLick
â–¸ I spent a day with ALIEN ABDUCTEES: https://youtu.be/F5E4ThUm8NU
If you or someone you know is part of an under represented subculture with beliefs you feel are not widely understood and would like to be interviewed by me, email ispentadaywith [at] apadilla.co
HUGE thank you to the matrix simulation truthers (Charlene, Harlan, and Timothy Stanton) who came out and were excited to share their beliefs on camera with me.
â–¸ My incredible merch: http://bit.ly/HighQualityMerch | Subscribe to validate my existence: http://bit.ly/SubPadildo
â–¸ Thank you so much Mike Criscimagna for editing this and Peter & Sam of Bad Weather Films (https://youtube.com/badweatherfilm) for helping me shoot this. Also a huge thanks to Joe Hodorowicz for helping with production.
â–¸ Watch my last video attempt: https://youtube.com/watch?v=o7OwzKm8aa0&list=UUPJHQ5_DLtxZ1gzBvZE99_g
My second channel
â–¸ http://youtube.com/anthonypadilla2
My steaming pile of social garbage
â–¸ http://instagram.com/anthonypadilla
â–¸ http://twitter.com/anthonypadilla
â–¸ http://facebook.com/anthonypadilla
â–¸ http://snapchat.com/add/anth0nypadilla