Jedward Judge Local School Talent Show As Part Of Childline Project.
The Irish Twins attended the East Lothian primary school to promote the "Give every child a voice" campaign launched by Promethean and Childline. Participating schools all over Scotland were asked to take part in the campaign where for every 250 phones that were collected, £500 was donated to Childline. The East Lothian school managed to collect 261 and won the chance to have a visit from the GECAV ambassadors Jedward. The pop stars held an interactive classroom session with the pupil council and then went on to judge the schools talent competition. John said about the competition: "This is just like the X Factor, but it's not as scary. Don't be scared everyone, just do your best." The contest was set up last year in memory and celebration of a former pupil at the school, Charlie Pearson, who passed away 2 years ago from leukaemia.
Video by Lewis Notarangelo
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