NEW YORK (U2 Fan Website) - U2 lead singer Bono is this year's honoree at the Martin Luther King Center. Bono has received a Salute To Greatness award from the King Centre in Atlanta for his efforts to combat third world debt and AIDS in Africa. The humanitarian award is one of the highest honours given by the Centre which was set up by Martin Luther King's widow to continue her husband's work. At the award dinner on Saturday, Coretta Scott King said: "We are fortunate this year to...honour Bono for exemplifying many of the qualities that my husband, Martin, indicated were imperative to moving our society into the beloved community of which he so often spoke." Bono, who grew up in Ireland, was inspired by King's life and teachings, which he praised in the U2 song "pride: In the Name of Love." Last year he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to relieve third world debt and promote AIDS awareness. "When Dr. King spoke about having a dream, he wasn't just talking about an American dream. It can be an African dream, an Irish dream," Bono said. "That's why I'm excited to be here."