New York, NY (Top40 Charts) You can hardly pick up a radio station air play chart these days without seeing the name "The Lucky Losers" and this is occurring week in and week out. For good reason too because "A Winning Hand" produced by Kid Andersen at Greaseland Studios is a quality release that is packed solid with music from the heart and delivered by a male-female duo from within the blues community. This teaming works. There's an over arching theme that weaves throughout "A Winning Hand," two gamblers who are willing to risk it all for that one last desperate chance! Cathy Lemons and Phil Berkowitz are the gamblers both in life and in art. One only has to sample this release to fall in love with it.
James Nagel, KPFT radio show host remarks, "Attention fans of soulful blues…there's a hot new release that you'll surely want to pick up. "A Winning Hand" from The Lucky Losers on West Tone Records consists of 12 groove-laced tracks from the talented duo of Cathy Lemons and Phil Berkowitz with the A-team support of Kid Anderson, Steve Freund, Ben Rice and Michael Peloquin. You just can't beat "A Winning Hand"… highly recommended!"
Blues Veterans Cathy Lemons and Phil Berkowitz announce Tour
The west coast bay area duo have just announced national touring dates. Among their performance dates will be the cities of Houston and Katy Texas. Cathy and Phil have two dates in Houston, one at the famed Shakespeare's Pub and the other at the internationally recognized House of Mixology - The Big Easy. The Lucky Losers will also be performing in Katy, Texas at Wildcatter Saloon. Wildcatter is the Texas bar featured on Spike TV's Bar Rescue. The Lucky Losers are scheduled to be on stage in the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee with more dates being added frequently.