BURBANK, CA. (Warner Bros.) - In response to the massive appeal for aid in the earthquake and tsunami stricken areas of Southeast Asia, Warner Bros. Records recording artist Linkin Park, along with the American Red Cross, has formed "Music For Relief," an effort by concerned musicians and fans to provide emergency funds for quake and tsunami victims.
All donations go directly to aid the victims and their families. Linkin Park has made an initial contribution of $100,000 and is calling on other musicians, as well as fans, to contribute to the fund.
Linkin Park's Brad Delson says of the band's efforts, "We are fortunate to be in a position to help, but this needs to be a broader effort - both by our fans and by other musicians. If one of our fans can donate $10, then that's going to help." Delson adds, "We are also going to appeal to our musical peers by asking them to donate as well. The bottom line is the more we can do, and the quicker we can do it, the more lives we can save."
Earlier this year, Linkin Park performed to sold-out stadium crowds in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. The shows were heralded as the largest rock concerts in those countries in the past 10 years. Delson says of the experience, "The outpouring of emotion from our fans there was overwhelming - it really affected us. We opened 'Music For Relief' so that our fellow musicians and fans can give in this time of need to the families of the over 70,000 people who have perished. This money will also be used to aid the millions left homeless by this natural disaster. It's our way of giving back to the people who so desperately need it."
The United Nations has indicated that the cost of the tsunami disaster is without precedent. Donations to "Music For Relief" can be made at www.musicforrelief.org.
You can also help those affected by this crisis, and countless others around the world each year, by making a financial gift to the American Red Cross International Response Fund, which will provide immediate relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance, and other support to those in need (including those affected by the recent tsunamis in Asia and Africa).
Donate through the American Red Cross' Web site, www.redcross.org, or by phoning 800-HELP-NOW.
Linkin Park has donated $500,000 to various charities since the beginning of 2004. Most recently, the band gave $5.00 from every Projekt Revolution concert ticket sold in Tampa, FL, to aid victims of hurricane Charley this past summer.