MA (347
Music Group) - 347
Music Group, an independent record label
based in Boston, Massachusetts, is excited to release the debut album
of R&B singer/songwriter Terry Gresham. The album is called "To
Sasha�From Langston."
The CD chronicles the trials and
triumphs of Langston Germaine, as he expresses his love in song to the
feisty and stubborn
Sasha Billingsley the central character in the
novel, "The Gospel According to
Sasha Renee." The novel, written by
critically acclaimed author Tracey Michae'l Lewis is published by
Moonchild Publishing (https://www.moonchildenterprises.com) and can be
purchased at all major literary retail outlets. The CD is also
available at the Terry Gresham web site (https://www.terrygresham.com).
stranger to the music scene, Terry Gresham has captivated audiences
since his first public performance at the age of 5. Most recently,
Terry beat out nearly 750 singers and emerged as a semi-finalist in the
Boston POPSearch competition, and earned a chance to sing in
Symphony Hall in Boston.
"Be it on stage or in the studio, I want the listener to know I put 200% into what they hear," Terry Gresham comments.
For more information, or to book a show, visit Terry Gresham's website at https://www.terrygresham.com.
in Boston, Massachusetts, 347
Music Group is a recording and production
company. The company is currently involved with three (3) CD projects.