RIO DE JANEIRO (www.thram.com) - After has been nominated to Claro Award, the biggest music award in Brazil, as "best heavy metal album of 2004" the brazilian heavy metal band Thram starts a big tour during the month of June. Between a show and another, the band will give interviews to some radio stations and make pocket shows to promote the debut album Lost Mind. Dates: 06/05 - Leme/SP, Brazil 06/11 - Sa~o Carlos/SP, Brazil 06/17 - Maringa'/PR, Brazil 06/18 - Ponta Grossa/PR, Brazil 06/19 - Curitiba/PR, Brazil 06/25 - Sa~o Bernado do Campo/SP, Brazil 06/26 - Sa~o Paulo/SP, Brazil 07/02 - Sa~o Gonc,alo/RJ, Brazil Visit the official website www.thram.com to know the new force of brazilian heavy metal. MP3: Social Distortion (Full) Volcano (Sample) Scream (Sample) To Kill (Sample) Contacts: Edio Bergamaschi Junior 55 (12) 3931-5137 55 (12) 9135-0501 [email protected]