New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Opus One Studios today announced the release of "What Will You Do?, Songs of Social Awareness," the debut album of singer/songwriter, Whitney Parnell. Songs on the album address different aspects of social justice, with titles like "The Talk" and "My Life," the latter relating what it's like to be a
Black woman in
America today. Whitney introduces the collection with a separate "
Introduction" track in her own words.
Whitney Parnell is a
Black millennial activist, singer, and social entrepreneur. She grew up "around the world" as a Foreign Service child, and, after graduating college, committed her life's work to social justice.
"What Will You Do?" is available both as a CD and digital download from Opus One Studios at
Digital downloads are also available from iTunes, Amazon Music, and other major providers of digital music.
Proceeds from "What Will You Do?" benefit Service Never Sleeps, a nonprofit organization founded by Parnell, empowering individuals and communities to catalyze social justice through service and allyship.
For anyone who prefers to spend their dollars in meaningful ways, Opus One Studios offers unique gifts that give to both the recipient and the greater community at large. Teaming up with independent artists, artisans, music-makers and other creators, Opus One specializes in producing creative products and collections that span multiple media from games to books to music and more. From the very first unit sold, Opus One Studios donates 65% of the gross margin on that product to a designated beneficiary. Our collections have benefited organizations such as the
Antonia J. Giallourakis Endowed Fund which brings art therapy to children with cancer at Mass General Hospital and Code of Support Foundation, a one-stop-shopping source of help for veterans and military families.
Service Never Sleeps' vision is a world where equal rights, justice, and opportunity are available to all. The mission is to empower individuals and communities to catalyze social justice through service and allyship.
Service is a critical piece of building community and developing a culture of shared humanity. We believe that service should come from a place of humility, where volunteers center the communities that are impacted, and provide the support that is asked of them. SNS facilitates service through two programs: our Fellowship program and our corporate partnership program.
Allyship is an active way of life that utilizes bridge-building to ensure equality, opportunity, and inclusion for everyone by centering Black, Indigenous, and people of color and other marginalized people, working on the self, and influencing others. We offer a variety of training opportunities for organizations and individuals.
More information is available at