BALTIMORE (X9 Records) - Biography: ENFENETEE emerged onto the rap scene in July of 2003. After solely producing and releasing her own material and successfully selling her new releases on the streets of Baltimore City, she decided to take her rap game to the next level. It was through her own distribution system that one of ENFENETEE's singles landed in the hands of X9RECORDS.COM'S CEO. In the summer of 2004, X9 released ENFENETEE's first official maxi-single entitled "HATE THE GAME". The girl power anthem sold a little of 3,500 street units and thus made ENFENETEE one of the most in demand female rappers on the independent scene. The release of "THE DOMINATRIX" in January 2005 was the rap diva's first full feature album. With X9's creative power and marketing muscle combined with ENFENETEE's diverse rap style and global sound, this digital album went on to sell over 20,000 digital downloads. The success of this album has brought about regular rotation radio airplay on XM Satellite Radio, NEW MEXICO'S KRUX 91.5 FM & HOT 103 FM and Pulse Satellite Radio in the UK. The Baltimore based rapper has been interviewed several times on XM SATELLITE RADIO, she host her own local cable TV program called XPOZ and she appears in national print ads that run in KING and XXL magazines. ENFENETEE also appeared in the last season of the HBO series "THE WIRE". ENFENETEE is currently in the studio working on her second album. You can also visit ENFENETEE along with her Celebrity friends at her MYSPACE site. FOR additional information about ENFENETEE visit X9RECORDS.COM.