Chicago, IL (Chi-Roc Entertainment) - Chicago underground rap pioneer Faheem Shabazz (BigFa) president of the Chi-Rock Nation, has released his previously underground CD. The project is called CRU-Chicago Rappers United. Faheem says, "I auditioned over 50 local groups and picked 12 to jap on this CD. It took only 12 hour to complete because half of these cats were freestlye artists that just bust off top of they domes, it was amazing! Some of the groups that we hit up were G-Uint and especially Dipset. There are gonna be two more parts released this year and I plan to audition hundreds more overlooked artists to perform on my new projects. I'm on a mission to crack this game open for real. Oh yeah! Look out for my man "H20" on Vol.1, He's next to blow if the industry stops hatin". You can buy or download the album at various online music sources. Napster, Apple iTunes, MusicMatch, Phapsody, CDBaby, E-Music and more.