LOS ANGELES (AP) - Life is making rocker Steven Tyler pinch himself these days. With his band Aerosmith receiving four Grammy nominations, including best rock album, and his daughter, Liv, co-starring in the box-office hit "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring,'' Tyler is thrilled. "Am I surprised that things have turned out like this? I have to pinch myself every day,'' the 53-year-old Tyler told the Los Angeles Times for Sunday's editions. "Life is really beautiful.'' Tyler said he's also happy that for the first time in Aerosmith's nearly three-decade career, the group had control over production of their latest album, "Just Push Play.'' "It was like going to Disney World for vacation, and then, after 10 years of doing that, going to Maui,'' he said. "I'm never going to have it any other way. By producing their own album, Tyler said the band was "defending our precious little souls.'' Even if Aerosmith doesn't win any Grammy Awards on Feb. 27, Tyler said he's still grateful because he's living the life he dreamed of. "I told my dad, 'When I grow up I want to be a (rock star),' and he said, 'I don't think you can do both.'''
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