New York, NY (JATTA ENTERTAINMENT)- Reggae artist Taj Weekes and his group, Adowa, will officially launch the release of their debut album, Hope & Doubt with a live performance at the Underscore on Saturday, March 11 at 8pm . Considered 'one of the best new reggae releases of the year' by one critic, Hope & Doubt has received critical acclaim from major publications and worldwide radio play. It is clear that Taj Weekes & Adowa are poised to becoming one of the best and brightest new reggae groups of the new millennium. Taj, a St. Lucian musician, songwriter, and poet, has dubbed his brand of music as 'classic roots reggae for the conscious mind.' His trademark falsetto resonates throughout the album and is supported by the skilled musicianship of Adowa - clearly emerging from the traditional roots reggae mold established by reggae legends such as the Wailers - Caribbean, yet clearly drawing on African roots as a guide to social consciousness and self-discovery. This live performance will give audiences an opportunity to witness classic roots reggae at its best. With songs of life, struggle and hope in Lonesome in Babylon, Scream out Mellow, Sad and Cold - all destined to be instant reggae classics; Hope & Doubt is an album that is a blend of lyrical deftness and folksy, mellow grooves that one critic describes as 'simply beautiful in tone.' The group will also offer audiences a sneak peek into their latest project - an EP of five songs entitled "Water-logged Soul Kitchen" - inspired by the tragic events surrounding hurricane Katrina. The forthcoming album will feature remixes from Hope& Doubt as well as gut wrenching, soul searching melodies such as Dove, Today and the album's title track. Proceeds from the EP will go to benefit the victims of the hurricane. Come for a musically inspiring evening of mellow grooves and impassioned lyrics. Roots Reggae is back and Taj Weekes & Adowa will take you there.