Los Angeles, CA. (Capitol Records) - Oh No has finally been released in the UK, after a very intensive vetting process that included high level background checks, extensive paramilitary training, and the traditional 3-month naked quarantine. You'll be happy to know that the album cleared (or plowed right through) every hurdle that was placed in front of it. Needless to say, it's pretty excited to come home with you tonight, so pick up a copy if you have the pounds and inclination. Upcoming UK Tour Dates: March 22, Glasgow - Art School - �7.50 March 23, Liverpool - Academy II - �7.50 March 24, Birmingham - Academy II - �7.50 March 26, Nottingham - Rock City Basement - �7.50 March 27, Cardiff - University CF10 - �7.50 March 28, Oxford - Zodiac - �7.50 March 29, Portsmouth - Wedgewood Rooms - �8 March 30, London - Scala - �8.50 March 31, Bristol - Academy 'Ramshackle' - ?