New Haven, CT. (OXFORD CIRCUS MUSIC/ www.cannatamusic.com) -May 1, 2006-Progressive/Art Rock veteran Jeff Cannata has returned in a big way with a new recording titled Mysterium Magnum. Long time fans will recognize Cannata from his former bands spanning three decades, including Jasper Wrath and Arc Angel. As they say-that was then and this is now. The multi-talented Cannata sings, plays guitar, bass, synths, percussion, drums, and produces Mysterium Magnum. There are powerful statements lyrically on the album and the music is a continuous source of energy, inspiration, and excitement. The truth about who we are as human beings on a planet filled with confusion and strife is clear on tracks like 'Tears of America.' Cannata takes a tell-it-like-it-is stance and chances are a tear may come to your eye while listening to the track as it looks back on events since 9-11 and it begs the question…who have we become in this nation. Although the recording has a dark flavor to it, the music has the ability to shine some sunlight on the subject matter with powerful sweeping art/progressive rock. The keyboards have a hypnotic effect while the guitar, bass, drums, and the occasional flute interspersed amongst all the other instruments give it all a symphonic rock feel with the foundation of art rock taking the lead and pushing every track to the forefront of your listening experience. Cannata is an excellent vocalist and musician; he completely realizes his potential in the studio. The recording also offers some eye candy on the CD cover with colorful and imaginative artwork normally found within the art/ prog rock realm. The CD comes beautifully packaged in an attractive digi pack case with a booklet enclosed including pictures and lyrics, emulating the days of vinyl albums most beautifully. Surely, fans will be delighted with every aspect of Mysterium Magnum.