Los Angeles, California (Roberta Lemon Enterprises) - "Journey to Sabharata" (English) and "Viaje A Sabharata" (Spanish) by Roberta Lemon & Chris Pinnick has been released. Sale of these CDs will benefit the ongoing work of The Children's Hunger Fund, www.childrenshungerfund.org
Yoga Teacher Roberta Lemon, B.S.Y.A.(C.I.) and former "Chicago" lead guitarist Chris Pinnick's Meditation CDs "Journey to Sabharata" in English and "Viaje A Sabharata" in Spanish, which take the listener on a stress-relieving, inner journey to peace in 2 languages have both launched impressively. Roberta Lemon says:
"Sabharata means the gift of abundance and many blessings. People understand the value of meditation and want to do it, but don't know how. This is a tool." Sales of these CD's are also benefiting the on-going work of the Children's Hunger Fund.
The goal of the CD is to help people take that 20 minutes a day break to re-charge and find a profound (and extremely productive)peace of mind. Sabharata stimulates the imagination and seems to be satisfying a deep inner need for people. Roberta continues, "We must be vigilant about our thinking habits. In order to experience great things in Life, our focus cannot be on anything else. Our thoughts are extremely powerful. The effect of thinking about good things (causes) is the manifestation of good things showing up in our lives. If we listen to the Sabharata meditation often enough, it becomes familiar and the effects start to show up in our own material world. Everything we have ever created into our lives started with a thought about that thing. We can control our destiny and live the life of our dreams, by design rather than by default, controlling our thought processes, trusting and believing in ourselves.'
'I don't have a vision of ending poverty and hunger, I have a vision of every, individual, living Being having plenty, all their needs met on a daily basis. I don't have a vision of war ending, but of Peace existing in every single, heart. I have a vision of every living soul housed, fed, watered, loved, healthy, happy, comfortable and useful. There is plenty for everyone. Once we remove the competition for wealth and the desperate need for power over others we will have peace on earth. A tall order? No, not to me. If I believed that I might give up or not bother. It doesn't matter if I get to see it in my lifetime or not. I am here now and this is my job, to teach peace. I absolutely love it!'
The meditation CDs help the listener to find inner peace and for a bumper kick start into a powerfully positive frame of mind for the New Year, the tropical Sabharata Retreat at the beautiful Bambuddha resort is being held Friday – Sunday January 26, 27 & 28 2007. Bambuddha is located, a few feet from the Pacific Ocean in Barra Viejo, Southern Mexico, 40km south of Acapulco.
This get away from it all weekend-workshop includes: delicious fresh food (3 meals per day), accommodation (2 nights), all yoga classes, meditations, & workshops. Extras include: ultra-light flying, massage, temazcal and more. All workshops are included and everything is optional. The modest US $330 (pesos $3,300) + travel price tag means that participants are advised to book early as there is limited occupancy. Guests are responsible for their own travel arrangements, but the organizers will help and advise. (Informaccion en espanol a la derecha).
Bambuddha is hosted by the vibrant Cristina and Christian and their happy, friendly staff. The rustic zen-like quality of the accommodations are hand made by Christian. Guests can visit the tortuga (turtle) sanctuary a short walk up the beach or just lounge around in the palapas, lie on a king size bed next to the ocean…walk or horseback ride for miles along unspoiled beaches…swim in the pool or sit at the bar; listen to music with drumming circles around a fire on the beach.
Check this weekend out. Contact Stephanie at RLE, details below:
Journey to Sabharata was recorded in both English and Spanish at Studio C&C in West Hills California, where Chris Pinnick is (with former Doobie Brothers drummer Chet McCracken) co-owner and operator of a state-of-the-art digital recording studio featuring 24-track recording and pro-tools systems.
Sabharata CDs Credit:
Music by Chris Pinnick
Vocals recorded by Chet McCracken at Studio C&C, West Hills, California
Produced by Roberta Lemon
Spanish translators and coaches: Laura Rebolledo, Dr Miguel Escudero, the late Ruthie Hoffman, Danielle Versé, Lupe Burgmeier, Andres Matesanz, Anna Archdale de Palazuelos, Gloria Palafox & Teresa Cornejo
Cover Design: Tom Kelley, TK Studios, Ventura, California
Written & performed by Roberta
Journey to Sabharata
(listen to 2 minute excerpts in English here)
Tambien en Espanol. Also recorded in Spanish.
Viaje A Sabharata
(listen to 2 minute excerpts in Spanish here): Comprar Aqui!