LOS ANGELES (Janet Jackson Fans Website) - Eric Leon Christian, who was widely reported in the news media as being Janet Jackson's alleged stalker, has filed a civil complaint against the singer and her Black Doll company for $20 million in Los Angeles Superior Court. Maryland-based Christian, who filed the complaint on Friday (June 7), is seeking "restitution for defamation, and severe mental and emotional stress he suffered because of the illegal filing of the injunction [i.e., restraining order] by Black Doll, Inc." He claims that the Nov. 17, 1997 restraining order Jackson filed against him was illegal because in order for it to be in effect in Los Angeles, he would have to live in the city, but claims he never has. Jackson claims that Christian assaulted her, called her 90 times, and made threats, which led to the 1997 restraining order. Christian denies the charges. Following the filing, several news outlets, including such syndicated entertainment shows as Extra!, picked up on the story, which Christian says hindered his ability to get work.