NY (AP) - Rapper, talk-show host, and actress Queen Latifah has joined the fight against type 2 diabetes, and will serve as the spokesperson for the new Be Aggressive! Control Type 2 Diabetes campaign. The campaign, which was sponsored by the Bristol-Myers Squibb pharmaceutical company, will attempt to empower patients to aggressively manage type 2 diabetes in order to reduce the risk of developing serious complications. The campaign will include a variety of services and resources, including educational materials, medical testing, counseling, and motivation. Queen Latifah explained why it was so important to get involved, "My great grandmother had type 2 diabetes, and it was sad for me to see her become sick and docile because of her condition when she had once been feisty and active...She lost her leg, part of her sight, and, eventually, her life. Like so many people with type 2 diabetes, she didn't take the proper steps to control it until it was too late. I am pleased to join Bristol-Myers Squibb in launching Be Aggressive! Control Type 2 Diabetes campaign because I want others to learn from my experience and take the necessary steps to aggressively manage type 2 diabetes."