NEW YORK (Newsweek) - Destiny's Child's Beyonce Knowles is featured on the cover of Newsweek, in an issue that examines the state of African-American women. Topics addressed include dating options, noting studies that 47 percent of black women in the 30-34 age range have never married, compared with 10 percent of white women. Many of those interviewed wondered aloud whether black women can bond with black men, who are increasingly educationally, economically, and professionally behind black women. Well-known choreographer Fatima Robinson told Newsweek, "I love brothers...But there is such a gap that I think I may not end up with a black man." Others looking for professional men blamed the glorification of athletes. Daven Jackson, a veterinary student at Alabama's Tuskegee University, recalled her high school years. "Most black males were encouraged to be athletes," not scholars, Jackson said. She added that none made it big as jocks, and that instead "over half of the males who graduated with me in are in jail."