New York, NY (Top40 Charts/ Family Violence Prevention Fund) - "The plea deal reached today in Los Angeles in the domestic violence case involving
Chris Brown and
Rihanna is not an unusual outcome in a case like this. Despite what was apparently an extremely violent assault, it was a first offense. We are glad the charge remained a felony, and that Mr. Brown pleaded guilty, taking responsibility for his actions.
"Time will tell whether justice was served, and that will depend in large part on whether Mr. Brown is truly repentant and takes seriously the interventions that will now be available to help him renounce violence going forward.
"This case is a chilling reminder of how dangerous domestic and dating violence can be, how quickly it can escalate, how badly youth like Mr. Brown who grow up in violent homes need intervention, and how urgently victims need services.
"Violence like this occurs every day in every community, and victims need our support. In addition to getting them the help they need, we must all make a commitment to teach the next generation that violence is always wrong. Only when we do that will incidents like this become part of our past, rather than part of our everyday lives."
Background: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 1,200 deaths and two million injuries to women from intimate partner violence each year. On average, three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends each day in this country. 15.5 million U.S. children live in families in which partner violence occurred at least once in the past year, and seven million children live in families in which severe partner violence occurred.
The Family Violence Prevention Fund works to end violence against women and children around the world, because every person has the right to live free of violence. More information is available at www.endabuse.org. In partnership with the Advertising Council, the FVPF has launched That's Not Cool, a new campaign designed to help start a conversation among teens so they will connect the dots and recognize when controlling behavior becomes abuse. Learn more at www.thatsnotcool.com.