LONDON, UK (Top40 Charts/ IFPI) - IFPI, representing the international recording industry, today welcomed the strong backing of the European Parliament for coordinated action at an EU level to tackle piracy of creative works. The Parliament voted by a strong majority for the adoption of the Report on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property in the Internal Market. The Report calls on the European Commission to propose legislation that would lay down a framework for action by EU governments in tackling intellectual property infringement, online and offline.
Frances Moore, CEO of IFPI, said: "Today the Parliament sent a clear signal to the European Commission, and beyond, that a stronger, more coordinated approach is needed to promote and protect the rights of creative industries in Europe. This is a timely and welcome message. Piracy is a major threat to jobs in Europe and it is a direct obstacle to legitimate enterprise in the music, book, film and other sectors. The Parliament has recognised that governments cannot stand by in the face of this threat. We applaud the Rapporteur, Marielle Gallo, and the Parliament for taking this stand."
In March 2010, independent consultants Tera produced a report backed by major trade unions, including UNI MEA and FIA, which showed the cost of not tackling piracy is projected to be more than 1.2 million lost jobs and over �240 billion in lost retail revenues across the creative industries by 2015. In 2008 alone, the main creative industries in Europe lost more than 185,000 jobs and over �10 billion in revenue due to piracy.
The music, book and film sectors are transforming their business to embrace the online world. There are more than 400 legitimate online music services worldwide, with over 250 in Europe, making available over 12 million tracks. While investment in these new services is growing steadily, they are blighted by the huge scale of the digital piracy problem.
The Gallo Report received support from a clear majority of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from the EPP, ECR, EFD, ALDE, S&D and Green groups, with 328 votes for, 245 against and 81 abstentions.