New York, NY (TOP40 Charts/ therawmaterials) -- As heavy as QOTSA but with the chaotic silliness of The Hives, they pepper the room with a dense, dirty-blues aerosol that builds upon waves of thick chords and furious beats.' Music-dash
De Staat are the discovery of Bristol's Dot to Dot festival' E Festivals
That thrilling moment when it turns out that a DIY project can punch its weight with the big boys' Word Magazine
Absolutely brilliant ferocious beats .beguiling' Manchester Music
Video: https://www.youtube.com/destaatofficial#p/a/f/1/1yYC6hvmAzI
Audio: https://soundcloud.com/lalalamngmnt/wait-for-evolution
After leaving their indelible dirty mark on the audiences at this summer's Glastonbury and Dot to Dot festivals, Dutch band De Staat have now confirmed a string of headline dates this November. They also release the title track from their album, Wait for Evolution' as a download which will be available from November 1st.
Since their last visit the band has been invited to play New York's CMJ Conference 19-23 October and have started recording their new album which is expected to be released in March.
Live dates are as follows:
Tuesday 2 November London, Camden Barfly doors 7pm, price £7
Wednesday 3 November Bristol, Louisiana doors 7.30pm, price �6
Thursday 4 November Manchester, Deaf Institute doors 7.30pm, price £6
Friday 5 November Nottingham, Bodega doors 7pm, price £6
Tickets are on sale from box office 0845 413 4444 or www.alt-tickets.co.uk
The band are searching out local bands in these cities to open for them each night. All interested should check out www.destaat.net for information on how to apply.
[email protected] for more.
De Staat Q&A..
Where are you based in Holland?
We're living in a small city called Nijmegen, in the middle-east of The Netherlands. It isn't too big, and not too exciting at times. But there are plenty of places to hang out. We have cool bars, a lot of nature and three junkies. Except for people stealing hearts and taking breathes away, we have no crime here, I think.
We live in a farmhouse, where we also have a studio and a rehearsal place. It is delicious. I wake up, walk down the stairs , start jamming and end apologizing to the neighbours.
What is the title of the forthcoming second album?
It's called Machinery. When you hear it, you'll understand.
What has been you favourite UK gig so far?
There have been a some awesome one's. When we played the Dot-to-Dot festival we did a gig on a boat called the Thekla, in Bristol. It must have been the smallest stage in history of human kind. Tim (drummer) had to climb via the sealing to get to his kit. The rest of us just had to make sure we stood still, or else we could accidentally hit each other with our instruments. Fun. It was a hot and full room, and an apparent legend called Big Jeff was there. He danced my balls off.
Who writes the songs ?
I do.
You love cow bells, what are your favourite songs by other artists to feature cow bells?
Guns n' Roses Bad Obsession (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErHMD8LaG4o)
Blue �yster Cult � Don't Fear the Reaper (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUO_5EALZoM)
The Bloody Honkies � Heretic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9d32Qwfjv0)
How long has De Staat been together?
We recently had our 3 year anniversary. We made the classic mistake by putting three cakes on a candle, instead of the other way around. Blowing out the cakes made it less awkward though.
Who are your favourite Dutch bands?
Alamo Race Track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj_gpZSz_a4
Stuurbaard Bakkebaard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfD-8WlYaMM&feature=related
Moss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl49nKdhGfE
Who are your main musical influences?
The filth of Tom Waits, the balls of Queens Of The Stone Age, the fun of Frank Zappa and the ass of Shakira.
What do you miss most about Holland when you are away on tour?
Windmills, cheese, clogs and weed. That's what we're all about.
Who is producing your next album?
I am.
What it's like playing the UK�and a funny, quirky quote is always worth it!
Playing in the UK is a lot like Bill Murray, really. I wish that playing in the UK was my dad sometimes.
For anyone who hasn't heard you yet, give three reasons why they should?
Well, if you won't hear us, there's a chance you might die (1). Then when you die, you will die slowly (2), having plenty of time to realise that you missed the extatic pleasure of De Staat (3).
Tell us a little about where you're from and how your surroundings affect the music that you create.
We're from a city called Nijmegen, in the Middle East of The Netherlands. We live, play and record in an old farmhouse, surrounded by fields and nearby a river.
The Netherlands is small, so everything is nearby. So there's a lot to see, if you want to. There are plenty of cool bands around, they all affect us, really. The good ones inspire us to get better and be more creative, the bad ones inspire us to buy guns.
But to be frank, the world is a small place nowadays, we get our kicks from bands on the other side of the world too. Old mongolian songs or prison songs from the USA are easy to find, and can be very inspiring to us.
What has been your most memorable experience of being an artist/being in the band?
So many memorable things have happened the last couple of years: Playing festivals like Glastonbury, Sziget, Pinkpop and Lowlands, making videos with great directors, filling 1500 people clubs, it's all quite extreme.
But I guess one of the best things is realising that we don't have any bosses anymore. That puts a grin on my face every day. We do exactly what we want to do. No more dishwashing or driving garbage trucks. Hallelujah.
If you could organize your own dream festival which three acts would you choose to headline and why?
The Dead Weather
Grizzly Bear
Because these are three of my favorite bands right now. That, and if The Dead Weather would play at my festival, I might have a chance to seduce their singer, Alison Mosshart. This seduction' will of course end swiftly, with her heel in my eye.
What are your current plans and what are your main ambitions for the future?
We're touring a bit through Germany, the UK and the USA. Meanwhile we're working on a new record. That'll come out next year, and hopefully we'll be playing around the world then. We don't necessarily have the ambition to play in Wembley Stadium or something. To play at the cool clubs and festivals, and to be able to play and record with great musicians, is all that we could wish for.