DETROIT (Mac News Website) - "A federal judge in Detroit has ruled that Eminem can proceed with copyright infringement claims against Apple Computers and other companies," reported yesterday. "An ad for Apple's i-Pod music player and i-Tunes music service featured a boy singing the rapper's song 'Lose Yourself.' The commercial had been running last year on MTV, and on Apple's Web site. The judge's ruling says Eminem's case can proceed against several companies, including MTV parent Viacom, and an advertising agency. Apple featured a 10-year-old boy singing the Oscar-winning theme song to the rapper's movie "8 Mile" in an ad on MTV for the computer company's iPod music player and iTunes music service. His spokespeople say Eminem would demand over $10 million (U.S.) for an endorsement. The television ad appeared many times during three months beginning in July 2003 and on Apple's website, despite the fact that the computer company had unsuccessfully sought Eminem's permission for the campaign.