NEW YORK (Road Runner Records) - "REAL METAL IS BACK!" exclaims the first line of HitThePit's review of 3 Inches Of Blood's debut, Advance And Vanquish. Yes, the first review on this title is in, and it goes exactly like this:
REAL METAL IS BACK! As you get older you find that everything that was once good, always comes back again. Thus is the case with 3 Inches Of Blood's sound. With Iron Maiden, Dream Theatre, Judas Priest, and Queensryche stepping into the twilight of their careers, it is only fitting that 3 Inches Of Blood would step into the spotlight and make the metal circle complete!
Technical, thrashy, slaying, evil, war obsessed, these are all words to describe the band. And let me tell you about Cam Pipes! (yep...it is his real name) CAM PIPES? Are you kidding? Is that not a rock star name or what? It almost a better name then Rob Halford and Bruce Dickinson! And vocally, he hits high notes that makes you wonder if he has wild berries for nuts. Not to mention that the best part of Mr. Pipes is not in fact his pipes, but his mind. Try some of these classic lyrics on for size:
"Flash of iron, leather, spikes and swords. Mighty warriors with metal on their side. Enemies of metal, death is our reward!" - Deadly Sinners
"Deceivers flesh ripped off his wretched bones. REVENGE! Revenge is a vulture, his head placed on a pike for all to see. A lesson learned for all of the usurpers to the throne!" - Revenge Is A Vulture
"Flaming arrows from the sky, the massacre begins. Order turns to chaos, no hope to win! The tyrant is here to take up your throne, he'll take your head before taking your crown."
HA! Fucking awesome! Old school metal right there kiddies! Blazing guitar solos, lighting fast licks, musically 3IOB is a fret board extravaganza. Meanwhile Cam is a sick fuck that can sing with the legends! If you like the before mentioned bands, then this is a record you must have. I would also be remiss if I did not mention Neil Kernon and Colin Richardson, who constructed the perfect sound for these retro lunatics!
Pit Scale: 10, when Iron Maiden, and Judas Priest retire....they can do so at peace knowing that these Vancouver youngins will hold up their established metal ideals. Also, I hope they keep the warrior (that holds the 3 Axe) from the cover for future efforts...... utilize him the way Megadeth does with Vic, and Iron Maiden does with Eddie! My request to the band.....call your axe wielding warrior Maximillion...or Max for short! Keep the metal traditions alive!
Suggested Tracks: All of them! Dungeons & Dragons nerds right on through to hardcore junkies will respect this effort! Instant Classic!
Track Listing:
1) Fear On The Bridge (Upon The Boiling Sea I)
2) Deadly Sinners
3) Revenge Is A Vulture
4) Dominion Of Deceit
5) Premonition Of Pain
6) Lord Of The Storm (Upon The Boiling Sea II)
7) Wykydtron
8) Swordmaster
9) Axes Of Evil
10) Crazy Nights
11) Destroy The Orcs
12) The Phantom Of The Crimson Cloak
13) Isle Of Eternal Despair (Upon The Boiling Sea III)