Miami, FL (Top40 Charts/ JEJE CONSULTING) - The 84 musicians from the Orquesta Filarmonica de Bogota', conducted by Maestro Ricardo Jaramillo, featuring Andre's Cepeda, Janio Coronado, Toto' la Momposina, Choc Quib Town,
Monica Giraldo and Juancho Ferna'ndez, artists that participated in 'Mestizajes', the most recent record production of the OFB, will be performing at Adrienne Arsht Center of Miami on Saturday, August 21st, to celebrate the Bicentenary of Independence with the Colombian and Latin community.
The Orquesta Filarmo'nica de Bogota' is a public artistic entity dedicated to the diffusion of universal and Colombian symphonic repertoires, which fulfills a social function of high impact in the city. Indeed, through its seasonal park, church and school concerts in various localities of the Colombian capital, its local repertoire recordings, its great interpretive capacity and the versatility in the interpretation of its programs, the OFB is the most outstanding symphonic Orchestra in Colombia and the one that all Colombian people keep in their hearts as a great cultural pride.
As part of the Celebration for the Bicentenary, the Orquesta Filarmo'nica de Bogota' will be performing at Adrienne Arsht Center of Miami with a great concert, conducted by Maestro Ricardo Jaramillo, who is also the Assisting Conductor of the Orchestra and Artistic Director of 'Mestizajes', with the participation of its 84 musicians featuring Andre's Cepeda, Janio Coronado, Toto' la Momposina, Choc Quib Town, Monica Giraldo and Juancho Ferna'ndez.
Mari'a Claudia Parias Dura'n, General Director for the OFB states: 'As an entity attached to the Culture, Recreation and Sports Secretary's Office belonging to Bogota' Mayor's Office - the OFB began in 2009 an internationalization process taking them on tour to nine cities in China and Italy, as a strategy to diffuse Colombian musical values abroad and reflecting the highest cultural image of Bogota' before the world. As part of this strategy, the District considered fundamental to strengthen bonds with cities in the US where there is a great number of Colombians living, such as Miami and set as a preponderant cultural project the OFB concert at the Adrianne Arsht Center. Bogota's Government considers that the presence of the OFB in Miami with its 'Mestizajes' project represents the best opportunity to strengthen cultural bonds with our fellow nationals, as well as the most touching way to celebrate the Colombian Bicentenary hand-in-hand with the Colombian Consulate in this beautiful city.'
For more information or to reserve tickets please call 305-949-6722 or visit www.arshtcenter.org. SPACE IS LIMITED. WE ADVISE GUESTS TO ARRIVE EARLY, TO GUARANTEE ENTRANCE TO THE CONCERT.
1. Colombian music
2. San Pedro en el Espinal
3. El Barcino
4. Luna Roja
5. Carmentea
6. Feria de Manizales
7. Mi Buenaventura
8. La Piragua
9. Navidad Negra
10. Prende la Vela
11. Matilde Lina
12. Tolu'
13. Yo me llamo Cumbia
Interval. Mestizajes, guest artists
1. Piel Canela, El Carpintero and Menos mal que existe la mu'sica. Interpreter: Andre's Cepeda
2. Mo'nica Giraldo: A paso lento
3. Hay Amores, Interpreter. Lui's Martin Nin~o.
4. Zafra Llorona: Interpreter. Juancho Ferna'ndez
5. Somos Paci'fico and Pesca'o envenena'o. Interpreter: Choc Quib Town.
6. La Noche, Noche de Arreboles and La Rebelio'n. Interpreter: Janio Coronado
7. Rosa and El Pescador. Interpreter: Toto' la Momposina