Detroit, MI (MIDNIGHT RAIN PRODUCTIONS) - "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" comes to the Detroit area for a concert event on October 8th at 3:00 pm, Sunday afternoon at Hammell Music in Commerce Township, MI, just north of Detroit. This unique solo piano concert series features the piano artistry of Bradley Sowash, Brenda Warren, Jim Bajor, Marcus Loeber and David Nevue, the founder of the "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" broadcast. The Internet-only broadcast has vaulted a community of artists, long since forgotten about by major record labels, back into the ears of consumers. Launched in August of 2003, "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" is now the No 1 broadcast on Live365.com, the Internet's largest radio network. The solo piano program enjoys the participation of over 80 pianists and composers from around the world and is enjoyed by well over a half a million listeners every month. "Whisperings: Solo Piano Radio" invites you to come and enjoy an evening of storytelling and song with some of today's most talented players and composers. There will be a meet and greet with the artists afterward. To view further details on the Whisperings concert, visit https://www.solopianoradio.com/detroit.htm