Nashville, TN. (Chad Brock Music)--Tampa Bay morning DJ and former country chart-topper, Chad Brock, is tired of our country being run by five percent of the people. He believes it's time this county was led by someone who truly represents the American people- a redneck. To get the message out,
Chad Brock has recorded and released, "Put A Redneck in the White House," his first new single in over four years being shipped to country radio this week.
"People think rednecks are folks who drive big trucks, drink beer and hunt all day long," Brock explains. "But that's not rednecks. You have rednecks in every state in this wonderful country - they get up every morning, and they go to work in factories or on farms or at desks, and they struggle every day to make ends meet. They're paying $4 a gallon for gas, and trying to keep food on the table for their families. They're having a hard time, and I think they're ready for a redneck in the Oval Office."
"Put A Redneck In The White House," written by Michael Huffman, Marlon"Dean" Scallan and Frank Jeffus and released by Straight Shooter Music, touched a personal chord with Brock and spurred him to throw his hat into the ring and announce his candidacy. The anthem marks what Brock hopes will become a national grassroots write-in campaign for him through the official website, www.RedneckInTheWhiteHouse.com
If you're wondering whether this is just a tongue-in-cheek publicity stunt, the answer is - yes and no. He realizes a Chad Brock presidential victory is about as likely as Willie Nelson agreeing to be his running mate, but he says someone has to do something. "Even if I don't get elected, my hopes are that this campaign will inspire voters to look behind the candidates' images and rhetoric for their real message."
Brock's presidential campaign slogan is, A Common Man for the Common Man ("'cause they don't come much more common than me"), and "Put A Redneck in the White House" is its musical rallying call. The singer says while some people may laugh at the notion of a down-home, boot-stompin', ass-kickin', finger-lickin', country boy occupying the highest seat in the land, he thinks it just makes plain good sense.
To listen to the single, "Put A Redneck in the White House," log on to www.myspace.com/chadbrockmusic
For more information visit www.redneckinthewhitehouse.com