LOS ANGELES (Curb Records) - CSO has learned that Curb recording artist David Kersh posted a message to all his fans through his official website, www.DavidKersh.com, that he's done with the music business, at least for now. The message below is currently posted on his website under the heading "News - DK's Monthly Letter". "Hey y'all, Wow, how life can change in a moment! But for me, it has taken a long long time. I can't begin to thank all of you for the things y'all have given me in my life. You have brought so much joy and a sense of pride and accomplishment, not to mention, simply making me feel like a good human being. I have so many memories that I will cherish as long as my memory serves me. I miss all the fun at the shows out on the road. I miss making music. Mostly I miss performing my stuff on stage and feeling that transfer of energy between us. It was soooooo much fun. I have been blessed in so many ways, one being a record deal and getting to make two cd's and three videos and all the photo shoots and all the trips all over the country to promote everything. God has been so good to me. He gave me y'all, which in turn, gave me a career. But, its time to let that chapter in my life close. My heart is just not in the music business anymore. I can't deal with all of the BS that goes on in this industry now. Nothing is in my control anymore and it all just makes me a miserable person. Y'all know me with a big smile on my face, but it's just not there anymore. People used to tell me I had an ora about me and that I gave off such a positive energy, but that's gone too. Its time for me to find that fire again in something else. I wish I could explain further, but I know you all will understand. Most of you have heard many of the stories about the industry from me before. I know y'all want what's best for me too. But I must apologize for saying goodbye to everyone. Y'all have been here for me through it all and continue to be. I could never have expected to have such amazing people in my life and feel so much love from so many. Now, you never know what God has in store for me. I may end up on some reality tv show in the near future or something. Maybe, in time, I will get back in the studio with the passion that I once had for singing and make another cd. I'm still on Curb Records and may have that opportunity down the road. For now though, I will be shutting the website down and closing the book on my singing career. I will miss y'all bigtime but will always be with ya as long as y'all hear my voice. I won't say goodbye, I will just say, See y'all down the road. Take care of yourselves and each other." DK CSO wishes David well, and much success in all of his future endeavors.