NASHVILLE, TN. (www.patwoods.com) - The resonance and cerebral effects Pat Woods creates through his guitar are unprecedented. Combined with a voice that has been compared to Willy Nelson, Robert Hunter and Johnny Cash, Pat Woods has established himself as one of the greatest musicians ever!
This man can sit at a table with any country music legend and not miss a beat.
Known throughout
Europe and inner circles of America, Pat Woods has been termed, "one of the most talented musicians to not be a household name".
His time is soon, Pat Woods recently toured
Europe educating well known musicians in the subtle nuances of Folk Americana. He had such a large circle of fans in Ireland that he was personally invited by Bono to record music at his private engineering studio.
Some people may remember Pat's voice behind the title song from Europe's 1971 animated hit "Lucky Luke - Daisy Town", his song - "I'm A Poor Lonesome Cowboy" - is still popular today. So popular in fact that the movie is to be re-released soon with Pat saddling up to again sing the title song.
Pat recently played with his long time friend Pierre Bensusan in a small club in Portland OR. Pierre "dropped" by in between concerts and the performance was absolutely empowering. Pierre's visit was so spontaneous that after the show he accepted a ride to his next concert in Seattle from someone he met that night. The man offered the ride, as long as Pierre didn't mind leaving his cherished guitar behind so he could fit more chairs in his station wagon.
To give his fans and friends a preview of his new CD, "Truths Volume I" Pat recently launched patwoods.com. When Pat went to sleep after the first full day on the internet, his music had been downloaded by visitors from 7 different countries. Three days later, that total has risen to over 50.
To get your own complete preview of, "Blue Eyed Boy", "Bright and True", and "Untitled" or if you would like to listen to his 1971 classic "I'm A Poor Lonesome Cowboy", visit www.patwoods.com.