NEW YORK (LatinAlternative) - Enrique Bunbury (Spain), Skank (Brazil) and Babasonicos (Argentina) All Slated to Perform at the 3rd Annual Latin Alternative Music Conference*s Free Central Park Event Enrique Bunbury, former leader of Spanish rock pioneers Heroes Del Silencio, will debut his new album of Spanish soul cabaret in New York on August 10th as part of the Latin Alternative Music Conference*s Central Park Summerstage concert. Brazilian supergroup Skank challenge the limits of the pop genre, and are one of the most popular rock outfits to emerge from their country in recent years. Argentina*s Babasonicos fuse 1970s funk, timeless pop and indie rock on their latest effort "Jessico", which was recently lauded by Rolling Stone Argentina as "album of the year". LAMC 2002 (August 8-10 in New York) follows an attention-grabbing second year in which more than 950 industry attendees and 30,000 concert fans converged in New York for a series of high-profile concerts and industry panels. This year*s conference is moving downtown to the Puck Building in SoHo for its daytime events. LAMC is the only major North American conference geared towards the marketing of Spanish language youth-oriented music. This three-day conference providing networking opportunities with the genres leading artists, label executives, journalists, managers, retailers and programmers, is the most extensive to be offered by a music conference to date.