LOS ANGELES (Latin Music Consultants) - Changes that have taken place in the music industry in recent years have drastically affected the Latin music business and its ability to create and market good Latin music. The amount of new music available to the Latin music lover has increasingly diminished. The reason is partly due to the decline in newly recorded music. Regrettably, new artists are not being signed by Latin labels as was the case in the glory days of the Latin music marketplace; even established artists are recording a lot less frequently. These days, due to a dearth of new product and the globalization of music programmed by broadcasting conglomerates, the consumer has turned to other methods for seeking out good Latin sounds for their treasured collections of Salsa, Latin Jazz, etc. So what is one to do? Since the arrival of the PC, music lovers can now easily gain access to all the latest releases on the Internet, listen to album clips, then purchase songs of their liking, for 99 cents, rather than take the chance of buying a CD they are liable to be unhappy with; not to mention the hassle of getting to a record store in hopes of finding a particular CD. Additionally, these purchased songs can now be downloaded to a mobile MP3 player, burned onto a CD or just kept available for listening while browsing the web. Finally, computer users will now have the upper hand when it comes to building a viable music catalog. With web sites like LatinCoolNow.com, Latinoise, Exitosmusical and Musica360 offering Latin music to the computer-literates we can see where this industry is headed.