Los Gatos, CA (Boffomedia, Inc.) - The talented minds of Boffomedia, Inc. today announced
Internet viewing availability of their new DVD hit, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes sung by a sound-alike Bono. The free online video features guest appearances from an animated Bono,
George Bush, Oprah and Pope Benedict, 'getting down' to the tune of Bono's latest hit.
That's the concept behind the Mother Goose Rocks! Top 20 DVD. The recently-released DVD is a first in a series of Mother Goose Rocks! DVDs, and is based on the award-winning series of Mother Goose Rocks! music CDs and internet animations. The DVD comes complete with animated graphics, funny characters, clever storylines and a Top 20 Countdown format. Fans have enjoyed Boffomedia's animations on its website for some time and have clamored for a complete DVD showcasing the funny characters.
'The newly-releases DVD is a series of animated music videos introducing children to a diverse and timely set of music genres like alternative rock, country, techno, pop and R&B with the safety of familiar G-rated nursery rhyme lyrics,' explains Richard Snee, President of Boffomedia, and Mother Goose Rocks!, producer. 'Very hip, very safe, very funny, and great for the whole family.'
The DVD, priced at $14.95, is targeted toward children ages 2 to 10 - although grownups will be enamored with the characters and parody and will want to watch too. Like the Mother Goose Rocks! CD series, this wholesome and entertaining DVD is available through Amazon, Walmart.com, Best Buy, Borders, Barnes & Noble and specialty stores nationwide. The DVD is released through Lightyear Entertainment and distributed by WEA (Warner Elektra Atlantic).
The music CD and DVD are for children who like the tunes of Green Day, Gwen Steffani and Norah Jones, and parents who want their children's music to remain G-rated. So popular are these creative tunes that British audiences catapulted 'Mad Donna's' Wheels on the Bus to the Top 20 charts in England.
Mother Goose Rocks! Top 20 DVD combines music video cartoons and favorite nursery rhymes with today's pop music styles, performed by fictional pop superstars. It's all done tongue-and-cheek with the music, lyrics and graphics keeping everyone safely entertained for its duration.
Click on https://www.mothergooserocks.com/headandshoulders.html to see and hear the latest DVD hit. Boffomedia's Website, www.mothergooserocks.com, features free MP3 downloads to sample before you buy.