LOS ANGELES (www.amethystlive.com/MissArizona.htm) - Amethyst, singer/songwriter from Newbury Park in the Conejo Valley, derives her music from life experiences and stories which come right from the heart. She believes Miss Tucson Arizona, 1930 inspires her to this day to write music for women who have a story to tell, a dream to live and a life from which to emerge victoriously. In a word, "Inspired" could be taken to new depths in song writing. Singer/Songwriter, Amethyst, takes a step back in time to discover the dreams and aspirations of her Great Aunt Isabel, whom she believes inspires her to this day to write music for women who have a story to tell, a dream to live and a life from which to emerge victoriously. Where one person takes music and writes abstract lyrics, Amethyst often writes ballads with a story entwined. Any listener could exude a positive message to uplift one's spirit and apply it to their own life when listening to her music. Her feeling is that when one person takes the time to share what God has given them, others benefit from it somehow. Amethyst said, "I learn from others every day of my life. I hope that someday I can be that same kind of help for someone." Amethyst's Great Aunt Isabel Concannon, was Miss Tucson, Arizona at 15, in the early 1930s. Isabel later faced a life during the Depression of unfulfilled dreams with her music. Her undeniable talent was playing the piano by ear and she played whenever she had the chance. Later in life, she was injured in a bar trying to break up a fight amongst patrons and suffered a hematoma on the portion of the brain which controls speech. This was removed by brain surgery in the 50s. In doing so, they damaged the speech portion of her brain. For the rest of her life, she was able to play, but only able to utter a few words. Amethyst, a returning Vet from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and former performer for the USA Express Touring Band with the US Armed forces, says that she has felt the influences and spirit of some positive force and wonders if it might be her great Aunt Isabel who was watching over her in the Middle East as she toured and entertained the troops. "My work with Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and with US Army Entertainment all across the Mid East, was just a drop in the bucket to what I would like to accomplish, yet, when I think of the looks on those soldiers faces when we were there entertaining them, I feel like we did a wonderful thing for them - brought them a bit of home... My goal is to uplift, inspire and raise morale of not only those soldiers, but those people in our world who are suffering emotionally, physically and spiritually. Perhaps I can live Isabel's dream of music". This is evident by the favorite quote on her website, "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs"...Stephen R. Covey. Many of Amethyst's songs deal with emotional issues that all generations can relate to. You can find descriptions of the songs at www.valerieday.com/CD_availability.htm. Lyrics to her songs can be found at: www.amethystlive.com/lyrics.htm. Amethyst will be playing this month at local venues and can be found on www.CAbands.com, www.artistlaunch.com, and www.funender.com. She will be putting on a show on January 27th at 9:00 p.m. at Highland Ground, in Hollywood, CA. Highland Grounds 742 North Highland Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038-3415 Phone: +1 323 466 1507 For a map, visit this site: www.amethystlive.com/concert4.htm