LOS ANGELES, CA. (MIG Records/ www.migrecords.com) - Hot off the presses and crowned in celebrity gossip, MIG International recording artists RU (www.ruatmig.com) are hitting the Big Apple this week with their renowned, award-winning producer, Damon Elliott.
The stunning duo opened for Nina Sky in October and are preparing for their North American tour, which will commence with their debut album scheduled to launch January 25, 2005. RU albums will be available nationwide in all major retail outlets.
Formed from the Internet country code for Russia, RU is vaguely reminiscent of the former Soviet pop sensation Tatu. With model looks and captivating voices, members Katia Jones and Ksenia Linkova are Russian-born Americans, now based in Los Angeles.
Katia and Ksenia are passionate about their music. Katia says, "We wanted to create something that we would naturally listen to and that our friends would get into. It's the kind of music you put on when you want to have a great time and dance. It's all about being positive, being happy and being in love."
Producer Damon Elliott, on hearing temp tracks and meeting RU in person, instantly saw their potential and joined forces with MIG Records late this October. Elliott's star-studded resume pales next to his talent in the studio, creating mixes and beats that top today's charts. RU is in good company, considering Elliott's recent collaborations include such musicians as Pink, Mya, Jessica Simpson, Beyonce Knowles, and his legendary mother, Dionne Warwick. Beyond music, Elliott also created soundtracks for several new films including "First Daughter," "Charlie's Angels II," "S.W.A.T." and "Fat Albert."
Dr. Henry Jones, Owner, MIG Records, said of the partnership, "To have an opportunity to see two such talented teams work together, provided an unique moment where we created something fantastic!" Dr. Jones has given RU's rapid growing fan base a sneak preview of the January album through RU's official website, www.ruatmig.com.
Want to know what the gossip is?! Photographs from RU's most recent video, "More Than A Lover," co-starring international hockey stars Sergei and Fedor Fedorov (Anaheim Ducks and Canucks, respectively - www.fedorovbrothers.com), were leaked to the international press. The photos are from a scene in the video where RU is marrying two brothers. The seemingly authentic wedding video was filmed in a real church, with a real ring and a real priest! To put controversy to rest and mend broken hearts of men worldwide, RU is not married!
Sergei Fedorov was previously married in a secret wedding to international tennis sensation Anna Kournikova.
For more information on RU, MIG Records and Dr. Henry Jones, please contact Media Relations at MIG Records 1+310-822-5873 or email: [email protected]