TORONTO, Canada (www.newmusiccanada.com) - On Thursday August 12, 2004 at 10:00pm Natasha Kinne will be kick starting the night with her bandmates including ex Boys Brigade drummer Jeff Packer and Singer/guitarist Tristen Bakker from Toronto's The Mummers. It'll be a night of showcasing for distributor's, record labels, and bookers and also a night to celebrate the cd and gear up for the next one. Vintage rock, alternative, southern, folk, roots, blues....these are some of the styles you'll hear at Stone's Place on the night. This is Jerry Stones bar celebrating his fondness and memories with The Rolling Stones. The walls are covered in photos of Jagger and Stone and other well known rockers. Thursday night the red velvet sofas will be adorned by music industry execs and friends and family of the Natasha Kinne band celebrating the release of "Contact High" her debut cd. Kinne and her band hope to hit the road by years end and share the music live across Canada and the US. They are currently playing shows with southern rockers Reuben Cherry and there's talk of an upcoming performance with Bob Segarini's Cats and Dogs. Natasha met Bob when she performed at Q107's Ultimate Jam last September at Club 279. Check at www.newmusiccanada.com for all upcoming Natasha Kinne shows including another performance with "Girls With Guitars" at the Toronto City Roots Festival with Linda M in Sept. (The Distillery).