We compete against each other in 3 gymnastic events to see who the better gymnast is. We brought our good friend/Olympic Gold Medalist, Laurie Hernandez, to the Warehouse so she could judge to see which one of us sucks less at gymnastics. We fell REALLY HARD. Don't attempt this stuff at home we're dumb
SUBSCRIBE - http://www.youtube.com/user/thedolant...
Last Week's Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYnh_WEi48s
FOLLOW LAURIE ON IG IF YA WANT SHES COOL BTW - https://www.instagram.com/lauriehernandez_/
Ethan’s Social Media
Instagram - https://instagram.com/ethandolan/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/EthanDolan
Snapchat - EthanDolan
Grayson’s Social Media
Instagram - https://instagram.com/graysondolan/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/GraysonDolan
Snapchat - GraysonDolan