Album: Lys
Utgitt: 1996
LÃ¥tskriver : John Lennon --- oversatt : Lars Kilevold / Lars Lillo-Stenberg
Labels : EMI ‎– 7243 8 548292 2
Jahn Teigen (born Jan Teigen, September 27, 1949 in Tønsberg) is a Norwegian singer, songwriter and entertainer. Throughout his career in Norwegian music and entertainment since the 1970s, Teigen has established himself as a prominent, colorful and popular artist and national celebrity in Norway. [2] [3] He has released over 40 albums, more than 60 singles and played in bands such as Popol Vuh, Lions of Judea and Prima Vera. Teigen is also strongly linked to the Melodi Grand Prix, and he has competed in 14 finals - more than anyone else. He has also represented Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest three times and received tremendous attention in 1978 when he got zero points with "Mil by Miles". Among other well-known Jahn Teigen songs are "Optimist", "The Most Beautiful Who Is", "Do My Re" and "My First Love".
Teigen has won numerous awards for his work in the music and entertainment industry, and he received the Honorary Award under the Spellemann Prize in 1983 and 2009. In 2010, Jahn Teigen was named 1st Class Knight of the Order of St. Olav, and in 2012 he was incorporated in the Rockheim Hall of Fame. [4] [5] He has also later been acclaimed with his own space and a sculpture of himself at home in Tønsberg, and with the TVNorge series A tribute to Jahn Teigen, where famous artists sang their versions of Teigen's songs. [6]
Teigen was married to singer Anita Skorgan from 1984 to 1987, and together they have daughter Sara Skorgan Teigen. [7] [8] Since 2006, Jahn Teigen has lived a laid-back life in Skåne, but he regularly appears in the limelight - most recently as a break in the Melodi Grand Prix 2016 and as a guest of honor in A tribute to Jahn Teigen in the fall of 2016. [
SÃ¥ er det jul igjen
Ja, alt går så fort
Et år er snart over
Hva haru fått gjort?
Ja, her kommer jula
Har alle det bra?
Er allting i orden
Der du kommer fra?
SÃ¥ jul med din glede
Og herlig nytt år
Og la oss håpe
At verden består
Også er det jul igjen
For liten og stor
Men kom vi noe lenger
Enn vi var ifjor?
Ja, her kommer jula
For fattig og rik
Og alle som lever
Der det er krig
God jul og godt nyttår
Til dere fra oss
Vi synger til alle
Har slutta å slåss
Fred på jorda
Hvis du ønsker
Fred på jorda - nå - ååååååååååååå
Ja, her kommer jula
For liten og stor
Men kom vi noe lenger
Enn vi var ifjor?
God jul og godt nyttår
Til dere fra oss
Og vi synger til alle
Har slutta å slåss
Også er det jul igjen
Hva skjedde med deg?
Et år er snart over
Et nytt er på vei