I'm sure many of you remember Lindsay Shepherd, the teaching assistant at Wilfred Laurier University who was subjected to an unwarranted inquisition after showing a video of me debating Nicholas Matte about Bill C16.
In her statement of claim (which I read in its totality in this video), Shepherd notes that her mistreatment continued unabated at Wilfred Laurier, despite the university's hypothetical apology and offer to mend its ways. She also claimed that she has been rendered unemployable as an academic (a claim I believe, having served on many university search committees, and knowing full well that any whiff of scandal is enough to disquality a candidate entirely).
I talked to her lawyer after reading her claim, and decided that I would also pursue Wilfred Laurier and the professors and administrators directly responsible for this debacle.
I am not convinced that Wilfred Laurier learned what needed to be learned even after being dragged through the national and international press, in what was the biggest scandal that ever hit a Canadian university.
Maybe two lawsuits will help rectify that. We'll see.
NOTE: The allegations in these statements of claim are simply that, at this stage. They have not been tested in a court of law, and cannot therefore be considered proved.
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Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning/
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