Fusion energy might be the safe, efficient, reliable and clean energy source that could save our planet. But, how close are we to a world where fusion energy is powering our homes?
How Close Are We? Season 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GDx7uM9Vdw&list=PL6uC-XGZC7X7LVtgieYMEcEcf-VOH1F4I
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MIT Achieves Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion
“New experiments with helium-3 in a magnetic confinement tokamak have produced exciting results for the future of fusion energy, including a tenfold increase in ion energy.”
A Dream of Clean Energy at a Very High Price
“ITER, short for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (and pronounced EAT-er), is being built to test a long-held dream: that nuclear fusion, the atomic reaction that takes place in the sun and in hydrogen bombs, can be controlled to generate power.”
What is Fusion?
“With its high energy yields, low nuclear waste production, and lack of air pollution, fusion, the same source that powers stars, could provide an alternative to conventional energy sources. But what drives this process?”
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