Jo (formally from S Club 7) first single off her debut solo album Relentless. I know most people know this song from Rascal Flatts, personally I like her version a lot more!
Since I posted this video I have seen many comments about who did this song first since there are so many versions. So I am putting it to rest.
The song was WRITTEN by Jeffrey Steele and Steve Robson. The FIRST artist to record this song was country singer Mark Willis in 2003. The Irish girl group Bellefire did it in 2004 (Uses the same beat as this version) Jo was the first artist to release it as a single in 2005. Rascal Flatts released the song in 2006 and Cascada released it in 2007. For more information see the wikipedia page for this song at
Hope that clears up who did what and when with this song