LOS ANGELES (Courtney Love Fans Website) - Rock singer
Courtney Love was ordered Wednesday to stand trial for allegedly assaulting a musician at her former boy friend's house in Beverly Hills. Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Sanjay Kumar found "sufficient cause" to order Love, 40, to stand trial on a felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon.
But Love's attorney
Howard Weitzman said Love had been "grossly overcharged."
The court heard from Kristin King, who testified that she was asleep on a couch in the Los Angeles home of Love's ex-boy friend until shortly before the singer-actress confronted her the morningof April 25.
King said that Love stormed through the house when her former boy friend Jim Barber opened the door, and argued with Barber before picking up a fight with King.
Love dumped a bottle of wine over King, and threw the bottle at King's left side of face before throwing a lit candle at King's back of head, King said. Love then sat on King's body, pulled her hair, dug nails into her arm, which left scars, and grabbed King's left breast, King added.
The attack left her with bruises, nail marks and a little bump on the back of her head, King testified.
Barber's neighbor, Marilyn Corre, testified that she heard the yelling between Love and King, who later told her that she had been attacked by Love in the house. King showed her some red markson her neck and face, Corre said.
Love, due back at the downtown courthouse for arraignment on Nov. 10, remains free on a 150,000-dollar bail.
The case is the latest of a series of legal troubles for Love, former lead singer for the group Hole and Widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Love is also awaiting trial on separate charges of drug possession stemming from an October 2, 2003 incident in which she was arrested outside Barber's home after smashing a window.
In a third criminal case against her, Love pleaded guilty in July of being under the influence of drugs and was sentenced to a drug rehabilitation case.