NEW YORK (Wandering Productions) - From "Fire in My Soul" to "In the Mirror", this EP rings and vibrates of new directions, renewed passion, challenging old methods and revitalizing what exists in the now. The Gypsy Butterfly ushers in a new season with new songs that'll tempt your eardrums, then soothe and comfort your soul. The feel of the music is infused with tribal - in an Afro-Latin way - that carries throughout all the songs. Powerful anthems like "Fire in My Soul" and " Miracle" are neatly offset with the gentle rhythms of " Movin' On" and the acoustic recording of "In the Mirror" to top it all off. Her new song "Miracle" has recently been chosen to be part of the "Females on Fire" CD compilation, sponsored by Warrior Girl Music (www.warriorgirlmusic.com). Do yourself a favour and march on over to the Wandering Productions website to hear samples, download the album, or find out more about this intriguing, inspirational Canadian recording artist. Note: The CD will be available for purchase from CDBaby within a few days of this release. https://www.wanderingproductions.com/artists/thegypsybutterfly