VANCOUVER, Canada (www.symphonyindemeanor.com) - Symphony in DeMeanor is proud to announce the release of their debut CD, entitled 'The First One'. The album includes five (5) original tracks, as well as their cover of the Jefferson Airplane classic 'White Rabbit'. The CD can be found on-line for only $ 3.99 (USD) plus S & H. Best of all, the album can currently be downloaded FREE of charge from their Official Website at www.symphonyindemeanor.com including an album cover that can be printed off. Symphony in DeMeanor formed in 2002, when Rob Vermeulen and Tom Carter joined with Bruce Carrick and Mike Michalkow to record their first track together 'Lonely Fool'. The track was placed on various On-Line Music Distribution sites and garnered very favourable reviews. The result was the band went back to the studio and 'The First One' was completed. 'It's nice to see that some people are still interested in writing a song with more than three chords, and serious harmony' states Gods of Music, a respected on-line music review site, about Symphony in DeMeanor. For more information about Symphony in DeMeanor, please visit their Official Website at www.symphonyindemeanor.com or contact the undersigned.