NEW YORK (RoadRunenr Records) - This past Sunday (1/30), tracking on the upcoming DevilDriver CD - The Fury of Our Maker's Hand - officially concluded. In fact, the last track to have vocals layed down was the title track itself. Fourteen songs in all were recorded. Not knowing that it could snow in Texas, today (2/01) Dez woke up seeing white, and is currently waiting for a flight on a layover in Phoenix en route to Santa Barbara. "Feels good to be holding a full record," tells Dez from the Phoenix airport. "Going to go home and listen to it tonight relentlessly with Anahstasia." The band would like to send thanks out to producer Colin Richardson for being such a wonderful guy during the recording of this CD, and everybody at Sonic Ranch (Tony, Justin, Bobby) for making their stay pleasant and giving DD a great atmosphere to create their art. Mixing of The Fury of Our Maker's Hand will begin later this month. The full band will convene again in a couple days to start rehearsing live. As for touring, all the details - when, where, with who - is being figured out now...nothing is in stone as of yet.