LOS ANGELES (Rainbow Bar & Grill) - Simmons Lathan Media Group, a leading producer and distributor of urban/hip-hop themed media content, today announced the release of the "Russell Simmons Presents Yoga Live" video series. Lead by three of America's most inspiring yogis - Sara Ivanhoe, Elena Brower, and Jeffrey Cohen - Yoga Live is based on the physical (Asana) practice of yoga and offers a complete fitness system comprised of four instructional videos. The Yoga Live fitness system introduces viewers to essential yoga postures and breathing, improves muscle tone and flexibility, strengthens abdominal muscles, accelerates weight loss, and fosters personal empowerment through mental clarity. "As a student of yoga for over ten years, I have realized the physical, mental and spiritual benefits that have lead me to feel healthier, more aware, and empowered in all aspects of my personal and business life," said Russell Simmons, CEO of Rush Communications. "In Yoga Live we have assembled three of America's leading yogis to offer a unique system for realizing the physical benefits of yoga, along with the mental and spiritual aspects that build confidence, peace of mind, a sense of personal empowerment, and compassion - the kind of qualities that manifest dreams." Yoga Live, which is part of the Russell Simmons Higher Self Series, teaches basic postures and breath work integral to the over 5,000-year-old practice of yoga. At the same time, Yoga Live offers a modern twist, integrating contemporary upbeat music to motivate students through a rigorous workout. Students can work at their own level with advanced poses and less challenging modifications given throughout each class. "Our goal is always to bring our culture to the widest possible audience by partnering with the best in class distribution and marketing companies," said Will Griffin, president of SLMG. "Our partnership with GoodTimes Entertainment on Yoga Live continues this tradition."