New York, NY (Hammonbeat Records) - Hammondbeat Records is proud to release the debut record from NYC's The Dansettes. The song is Oh My! The sound is classic and classy R&B, and the total package is readymade for an audience ready for upbeat songs with powerful vocals backed by a tight and funky band. New York City vocal trio The Dansettes, featuring the Hammond organ-Wurlitzer-electric-piano-driven backing four-piece combo The Bourbon Dynasty, are pushing a set of new songs in an evergreen blend: Stax / Atlantic / Tamla Soul, a touch of Brill Building Pop, and sweetly syncopated New Orleans rhythm & blues come together to make a kind of "mod" Americana, if you will...and you shall! Getting down to the nitty-gritty of newly traditional styles that were once as new as tomorrow, and have never really left us, this is still the sound of young America: three women in their twenties who, with close harmony and close observation of the "old school", and well armed with a batch of fresh songs written expressly for them, are attracting attention and impressing audiences up and down the East coast and as far West as Chicago. It cannot be long before they are a coast-to-coast phenom—but they are here, now, in Manhattan's backyard. The Dansettes are Jaime Kozyra, Jennie Wasserman, and Leah Fishman. Each in turn takes lead vocals while the others provide backing harmonies, producing a variety of vocal textures not typically possible on a single release. The entire session was supervised by Gabriel Roth, an old school producer who recently gave the world the breakout album 'Naturally' (Daptone Records) by Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings. Oh My! is also a wondrous glimpse of things to come when the debut full length album (now under construction) is released in '06.