NEW YORK (Yahoo/Launch) - The premiere episode of the third season of O-Town's reality-television program Making The Band will debut at 9 p.m. ET on January 19. The first two seasons of the musical series about the creation of a pop band aired on ABC, but this season it moves to MTV. Season three will document O-Town's tour with Britney Spears in October and November of 2001, and how life was on the road for groupmembers Ashley Parker Angel, Erik-Michael Estrada, Dan Miller, Trevor Penick, and Jacob Underwood. Yahoo (launch) asked Miller how he feels about Making The Band moving from ABC to MTV. "That's cool for us because on ABC there was a certain demographic and a certain etiquette, if you will, about what we could do, things we could say, and things that could be shown," he said. "MTV definitely expands on everything. On ABC it kind of made it look like we never cuss, we never do anything. We do say a couple of cuss words every once and a while--we do some things like that. MTV will be able to expand on that. Hopefully they won't exploit it because we're not potty mouths." Next week, O-Town is scheduled embark on an international tour that will take them through Ireland, Scotland, the U.K., Denmark, Switzerland, and Germany.